Complete meal. Tempura of Dutch white asparagus served with matcha salt, asparagus & wakame soup, kinpira of asparagus peels, and so. Meat-free. #homemade One Dutch chef said to not throw away all of white asparagus. They use peels of asparagus for soup. I use peels for Kinpira (stirfrid and seasoned with Kikkoman and milin) #homemade #homemade Mujina Udon. Udon or Soba noodles topped with both Tanuki & Kitsune is called Mujina. About Tanuki and Kitsune, see last my 2 posts. Mujina means a Japanese badger. In Japanese folklore Musina also fool people. #むじな #うどん #homemade Tanuki Udon. A typical Japanese dish consisting Japanese wheat noodles with bits of deep‐fried tempura batter. Tanuki means Japanese raccoon. Someone says the name of Tanuki Udon came from the contrast of "Kitsune (fox) Udon". In Japanese folklore, fox, raccoons (and cats) are special animals who fool people. However we don't have "cat udon" #たぬきうどん Kitsune Udon. A typical Japanese dish consisting Udon noodles topped with seasoned Aburaage (thin-sliced and deep fried tofu). Literary Kitune udon means "fox udon noodle", because in Japanese folklore Aburaage is the favorite food of fox. #homemade The selection criteria of Eurovision song contest is always unclear. Anyway the dish is boiled daikon with Japanese meat sauce #homemade #eurovision do you throw away radish leaves ? don't do it. it's yummy. for stir-fried with sesame & soy-sauce, or for ingredients of miso-soup. The root is for pickles, and leaves for a dish or misosoup. This is what the practical usage of radishes in Japanese way. #homemade
Kyaraben, a shortened form of character bento, is a very popular bento style in Japan which features food decorated to look like Anime or Kawaii characters. At the workshop you learn how to make authentic Kyaraben and the result you can take home. More info