
Takikomi gohan. A Japanese rice dish seasoned with dashi and soy sauce along with mushrooms, vegetables, meat, or fish. This is Chicken Takikomi gohan appeared on anime Himouto! Umaru-chan. #homemade #tokyodollnlcookrice

http://ift.tt/2k8ETvp Takikomi gohan. A Japanese rice dish seasoned with dashi and soy sauce along with mushrooms, vegetables, meat, or fish. This is Chicken Takikomi gohan appeared on anime Himouto! Umaru-chan. #homemade #tokyodollnlcookrice

Kyaraben (character bento) workshop

Kyaraben, a shortened form of character bento, is a very popular bento style in Japan which features food decorated to look like Anime or Kawaii characters. At the workshop you learn how to make authentic Kyaraben and the result you can take home. More info http://tokyodoll.web.fc2.com/workshop/bentoworkshop.html