Japanese cooking by a Japanese in the Netherlands. Japanse recepten door een Japanse in Nederland. http://tokyodoll.web.fc2.com/
Hup Holland broodje bento.
By the way, bento is not only for rice but also we sometimes use bread or fried noodles for staple food. Because basically bento means portable lunch in Japan. Therefore even "broodje kaas" can be included in Bento under Japanese recognition.
Football breads: bought in Albert Heijn.
Others: bought in Albert Heijn.
Oranje lunch box: Blokker
Kyaraben (character bento) workshop
Kyaraben, a shortened form of character bento, is a very popular bento style in Japan which features food decorated to look like Anime or Kawaii characters. At the workshop you learn how to make authentic Kyaraben and the result you can take home. More info http://tokyodoll.web.fc2.com/workshop/bentoworkshop.html