I made Hatsune Miku Kyaraben (character bento) applying with Nori art.
Nori art means Nori seaweed art. This is one of a Kyaraben technique in Japan.
It's similar to paper-cutout but using Sushi Nori instead.
It’s easy to make simple-shaped characters for Kyaraben.
But about anime characters, it’s complicated to express details sometimes.
Thus Nori art is one of a method to express details of anime-type characters.
The process is as follows,

Better Not to put Nori on rice directly. Because detailed shape of Nori figure will be lose.
5. Arrange other foods. Ingredients are,
Omelet (self-made)
Mora snack
Cherry tomato
Chicken ham (on the rice area)
Green peas
Salad leaf
Chive (to express Hatsune Miku’s Negi (spring onion).
6. Place 4 and 5 in a bento box.

I got all of them from Albert Heijn, a generic Dutch super market.
Nothing special ingredients, and you don’t have to go to Japanese shops.
Kyaraben wikipedia:
Hatsune Miku wikipedia: